After a long day at work, many of us search for ways to unwind and find balance. But which activities truly help us relax? A recent study from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge suggests that engaging in craft and artistic hobbies might be more beneficial than we think.
The study, published in Frontiers, involved over 7,100 participants aged 16 to 85. Researchers aimed to explore whether creative hobbies like painting, knitting, calligraphy, and pottery could improve overall well-being. Participants were asked to rate their life satisfaction, sense of purpose, happiness, anxiety, and loneliness on a 10-point scale.

The results were clear: those who engaged in creative and craft hobbies reported significantly higher levels of life satisfaction, happiness, and a feeling that life was worthwhile. In fact, their scores in these areas were 10 to 16 percent higher than those who didn’t pursue such hobbies. However, the study also noted that these hobbies didn’t have a significant impact on reducing anxiety or loneliness.
While the study establishes a strong correlation between creative hobbies and improved well-being, the researchers are cautious about claiming causality. They suggest that future research should delve deeper into whether these activities directly influence happiness and how long these effects last.
The scientists also propose that governments could consider financially supporting creative and craft hobbies to make them more accessible to a broader population. By doing so, they believe even more people could benefit from the mental and emotional boost these activities provide.
So, the next time you’re looking to unwind after a hectic day, consider picking up a paintbrush, knitting needles, or clay. It might just be the key to a happier, more fulfilled life.